Ques.1 :- Seat Reservation prog for the theatre. Write a function for seat allocation for the movie tickets. Total no of seats available are 200. 20 in each row. Each row is referred by the Character, "A" for the first row and 'J' for the last. And each seat in a row is represented by the no. 1-20. So seat in diffrent rows would be represented as A1,A2....;B1,B2.....;........J1,J2... Each cell in the table represent either 0 or 1. 0 rep would seat is available , 1 would represent seat is reserved. Booking should start from the last row (J) to the first row(A). At the max 20 seats can be booked at a time. if seats are available, then print all the seat nos like "B2" i.e (2 row, 3 col) otherwise Print "Seats are not available." and we must book consecutive seats only.
Ques.2 :- A string of charaters were given. Find the highest occurance of a character and display that character.
Ques.3 :- Int Matrix of certain size was given, We had few values in it like this.
1 4 5 45
3 3 5 4
34 3 3 12
3 3 4 3
3 3
4 4 3
We were supposed to move back all the spaces in it at the end.
Note: If implemented this prog using recursion, would get higher preference.
Ques.4 :- write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3D matrix in 1D matirx.
function prototype :-
void set (int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
void get (int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
Ques.5 :- A chessboard was given to us. Where in there was a Knight and King was placed on certain positions. Our aim is to reach the king from the knight in minimum no of counts.As we know, knight can either move 2 steps vertical/horizontal and 1 step horizontal/vertical. same goes here as well.
Proper image of the chess board was given in the question paper, and all the positions(max 8) were given that knight can take in the first step.
Sol : I've implemented using recursive func.I was appreciated by the interviewer.They will ask for the dry run becz there was 8 recursions.So Be prepare.
Ques.6 :-
Struct person
char * name;
person[] friends;
We were given the networklist of friends. Each has set of friends which was unidirectional i.e, if you are my frnd, then i may or may not be in ur frnds list. okie. Network was like this:
Amit - ->Rahul -> Aman -> kumar
Rahul- ->Vipin->Ankit->Reena->kumar
Kumar- ->Rahul->Reena->Tanmay
We need to identify whether 1st person being passed is a frnd of another person or not. Frnds can be frnd's friend also and so on. And we need to identify the distance.
For example :-
Input: Amit, Kumar
Output Distance 1
Input Amit, Tanmay
Output: Distance 2
Input: Rahul, Aman
Not frnds.
Ques.7 :- There was a 2D matrix given, we were supposed to sort the all diagnols elements. diagnols of Top left corner and Top right corner were to be sorted in the same matrix in an efficient way.
Ques.8 :- We need to write the function to check the password entered is correct or not based on the
following conditions..
a) It must have atleast one lower case character and one digit.
b)It must not have any Upper case characters and any special characters
c) length should be b/w 5-12.
d) It should not have any same immediate patterns like
abcanan1 : not acceptable coz of an an pattern
abc11se: not acceptable, coz of pattern 11
123sd123 : acceptable, as not immediate pattern
adfasdsdf : not acceptable, as no digits
Aasdfasd12: not acceptable, as have uppercase character
Ques.9 :- Wrie a function which returns the most frequent number in a list of integers. Handle the case of more than one number which meets this criterion.
public static int[] GetFrequency(int[] list)
Ques:10 :- Counting in Lojban, an artificial language developed over the last fourty years, is easier than in most
The numbers from zero to nine are:
0 no
1 pa
2 re
3 ci
4 vo
5 mk
6 xa
7 ze
8 bi
9 so
Larger numbers are created by gluing the digit togather.
For Examle 123 is pareci
Write a program that reads in a lojban string(representing a no less than or equal to 1,000,000) and output it in numbers.
Ques.11 :- Where now stands that small knot of villages known as the Endians, a mighty forest once stood.Indeed, legand has it that you could have stoodon the edge of the wood and seen it stretch out for miles,were it not for the trees getting in the way.
In one section of the forest, the trees stood in a row and were of hight from 1 to n, each hight occurring once and once only.
A tree was only visible if there were no higher trees before it in the row.
For example, if the heights were 324165, the only visible trees would have been those of height 3,4 &6.
Ques:12 :- Given an array containing k nos in the range 1..n and another scratch array of size n. Write an program to remove the duplicates from the array.
Written Test Pattern:--
The written exam consisted of 25 general maths questions on trigonometry, circles, area, perimeter,mensuration, time, work, distance etc ques.
and aptitude consisted of 10 ques with several parts. they wer twisty ques including the puzzle test ques
given in R.S.Aggarwal verbal-nonverbal book....
The second written exam included 4 coding ques which wer to be written in any programming languages .It was something like this:
1.The code should emphasize on min time and then min memory requirements.
2.The time limit was 1hr 30min.
Ques1: Given an array containing k nos in the range 1..n and another scratch array of size n. Write an program to remove the duplicates from the array.
Ques2: Given a table of the form:
Product Sold on
A 1/1/1980
B 1/1/1980
C 1/1/1980
A 1/1/1980
B 1/1/1980
C 2/1/1980
A 2/1/1980
There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also the month period during which sales happened is given to u.
Write the program to display the result as:
Product Month No. of copies
A January 12
A February 15
A March 27
B January 54
B February 15
B March 10
C January 37
Ques3: Definition of priority queue was given. We have to implement the priority queue using array of pointers with the priorities given in the range 1..n.
The array could be accessed using the variable top. The list corresponding to the array elements contains the items having the priority as the array index.
Adding an item would require changing the value of top if it has higher priority than top. Extracting an item would require deleting the first element from the corresponding queue.
The following class was given:
class PriorityQueue
int *Data[100];
int top;
void put(int item, int priority); // inserts the item with the given priority.
int get(int priority); // extract the element with the given priority.
int count(); // returns the total elements in the priority queue.
int isEmpty(); // check whether the priority queue is empty or not.
We had to implement all these class functions.
Ques4: An array of size 5X5 is given to us. The elements from 1 to 25 are to be inserted in the array, such that starting from a particular position for an element i, the next element i+1can be inserted only at the mentioned positions (u,v), and if these all positions are occupied then it returns giving a count of how many positions have been occupied in the array:
(u,v) = (x+/-3 , y)
(u,v) = (x , y+/-3)
(u,v) = (x+/-2 , y+/-2).
Example: if the starting element is 1 with the given positions (1,2), then next element 2 can be placed at
any one of the positions marked with *.
_ _ _ _ _
1 _ _ _ *
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ * _ _
* _ _ _ _
Function to be implemented is fun(int start, int end) where start and end will give the start and end coordinate of first element i.e.
Ques.5 :- suppose u r given a 4*3 rectangle like (take these values from user)
Now u have to calculate the no. of squares in this rectangle like:
No. of squares of dimension 1 is 12
No. of squares of dimension 2 is 6
No. of squares of dimension 3 is 2
No. of squares of dimension 4 is 0
Total no. of squares are 20.
b) Suppose you are given a string. you have to find the occurance of the characters A-Z in that string.Each character must appear in the string and must appear only once. If It that occurs in string more than one time return 1 showing it is a perfect string otherwise return 0 showing it is not a perfect string.
c) Suppose you arr given 10000 marks. you have to pick up top 20 top marks from them and display it on the screen.(Use the optimal sorting algorithm)
d) Suppose you have a chess board. you have to insert 8 queens on the chessboard in the style that the queens don’t intersect in the diagonals, columns and rows. If they intersect return 1 else return 0.(that is no more than one queen should be present either in row or column or diagonals.)
If the queen is inserted at a position in the chessboard, its count is 1.
Then the next round was technical interview. The interviewer was very cool and friendly. He just asked some general questions and then u have to justify the code that u have written in the test line by line. If he is satisfied from ur code then HR interview is only a formality.
Ques.1 :- A Class Structure was given with function names only.
Using one dimensional array make the fuctionality of two dimensional array?
We have to write the function body and the main program which calls them.
the function attributes and return type was given.
some already defined variables were also there.
Ques.2 :- If employee B is the boss of A and C is the boss of B and D is the boss of C and E is the boss of D. Then write a program using the Database such that if an employee name is Asked to Display it also display his bosses with his name.
For eg. If C is displayed it should also display D and E with C?
Ques.3 :- Arrange Doubly linked list in the ascending order of its integral value and replace integer 5 with 7?
Ques.4 :- Three tables were given and we had to link them.
Ques.5 :- You have given a string containing a binary number and you have to calculate the decimal number from it.
Ques.6 :- It was the password validation question mentioned above.
Ques.7 :- You have given two list of names containing name first list is very large and second one is very small, Now you have to conclude whether names appers in the second list are in same order as in the frist or not.
Example :
First: Ram, Mohan, Babu, Shyam, Komal, Rani, Sita
Second: Mohan, Komal, Sita.
Ans : yes.
Questions Asked on 31 May 2008:
Ques.1 :- Subset sum problem.
Ques.2 :- A string of charaters were given. Find the highest occurance of a character and display that character.
Ques.3 :- Int Matrix of certain size was given, We had few values in it like this.
1 4 5 45
3 3 5 4
34 3 3 12
3 3 4 3
3 3
4 4 3
We were supposed to move back all the spaces in it at the end.
Note: If implemented this prog using recursion, would get higher preference.
Ques.4 :- write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3D matrix in 1D matirx.
function prototype :-
void set (int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
void get (int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
Ques.5 :- A chessboard was given to us. Where in there was a Knight and King was placed on certain positions. Our aim is to reach the king from the knight in minimum no of counts.As we know, knight can either move 2 steps vertical/horizontal and 1 step horizontal/vertical. same goes here as well.
Proper image of the chess board was given in the question paper, and all the positions(max 8) were given that knight can take in the first step.
Sol : I've implemented using recursive func.I was appreciated by the interviewer.They will ask for the dry run becz there was 8 recursions.So Be prepare.
Ques.6 :-
Struct person
char * name;
person[] friends;
We were given the networklist of friends. Each has set of friends which was unidirectional i.e, if you are my frnd, then i may or may not be in ur frnds list. okie. Network was like this:
Amit - ->Rahul -> Aman -> kumar
Rahul- ->Vipin->Ankit->Reena->kumar
Kumar- ->Rahul->Reena->Tanmay
We need to identify whether 1st person being passed is a frnd of another person or not. Frnds can be frnd's friend also and so on. And we need to identify the distance.
For example :-
Input: Amit, Kumar
Output Distance 1
Input Amit, Tanmay
Output: Distance 2
Input: Rahul, Aman
Not frnds.
Ques.7 :- There was a 2D matrix given, we were supposed to sort the all diagnols elements. diagnols of Top left corner and Top right corner were to be sorted in the same matrix in an efficient way.
Ques.8 :- We need to write the function to check the password entered is correct or not based on the
following conditions..
a) It must have atleast one lower case character and one digit.
b)It must not have any Upper case characters and any special characters
c) length should be b/w 5-12.
d) It should not have any same immediate patterns like
abcanan1 : not acceptable coz of an an pattern
abc11se: not acceptable, coz of pattern 11
123sd123 : acceptable, as not immediate pattern
adfasdsdf : not acceptable, as no digits
Aasdfasd12: not acceptable, as have uppercase character
Ques.9 :- Wrie a function which returns the most frequent number in a list of integers. Handle the case of more than one number which meets this criterion.
public static int[] GetFrequency(int[] list)
Ques:10 :- Counting in Lojban, an artificial language developed over the last fourty years, is easier than in most
The numbers from zero to nine are:
0 no
1 pa
2 re
3 ci
4 vo
5 mk
6 xa
7 ze
8 bi
9 so
Larger numbers are created by gluing the digit togather.
For Examle 123 is pareci
Write a program that reads in a lojban string(representing a no less than or equal to 1,000,000) and output it in numbers.
Ques.11 :- Where now stands that small knot of villages known as the Endians, a mighty forest once stood.Indeed, legand has it that you could have stoodon the edge of the wood and seen it stretch out for miles,were it not for the trees getting in the way.
In one section of the forest, the trees stood in a row and were of hight from 1 to n, each hight occurring once and once only.
A tree was only visible if there were no higher trees before it in the row.
For example, if the heights were 324165, the only visible trees would have been those of height 3,4 &6.
Ques:12 :- Given an array containing k nos in the range 1..n and another scratch array of size n. Write an program to remove the duplicates from the array.
Written Test Pattern:--
The written exam consisted of 25 general maths questions on trigonometry, circles, area, perimeter,mensuration, time, work, distance etc ques.
and aptitude consisted of 10 ques with several parts. they wer twisty ques including the puzzle test ques
given in R.S.Aggarwal verbal-nonverbal book....
The second written exam included 4 coding ques which wer to be written in any programming languages .It was something like this:
1.The code should emphasize on min time and then min memory requirements.
2.The time limit was 1hr 30min.
Ques1: Given an array containing k nos in the range 1..n and another scratch array of size n. Write an program to remove the duplicates from the array.
Ques2: Given a table of the form:
Product Sold on
A 1/1/1980
B 1/1/1980
C 1/1/1980
A 1/1/1980
B 1/1/1980
C 2/1/1980
A 2/1/1980
There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also the month period during which sales happened is given to u.
Write the program to display the result as:
Product Month No. of copies
A January 12
A February 15
A March 27
B January 54
B February 15
B March 10
C January 37
Ques3: Definition of priority queue was given. We have to implement the priority queue using array of pointers with the priorities given in the range 1..n.
The array could be accessed using the variable top. The list corresponding to the array elements contains the items having the priority as the array index.
Adding an item would require changing the value of top if it has higher priority than top. Extracting an item would require deleting the first element from the corresponding queue.
The following class was given:
class PriorityQueue
int *Data[100];
int top;
void put(int item, int priority); // inserts the item with the given priority.
int get(int priority); // extract the element with the given priority.
int count(); // returns the total elements in the priority queue.
int isEmpty(); // check whether the priority queue is empty or not.
We had to implement all these class functions.
Ques4: An array of size 5X5 is given to us. The elements from 1 to 25 are to be inserted in the array, such that starting from a particular position for an element i, the next element i+1can be inserted only at the mentioned positions (u,v), and if these all positions are occupied then it returns giving a count of how many positions have been occupied in the array:
(u,v) = (x+/-3 , y)
(u,v) = (x , y+/-3)
(u,v) = (x+/-2 , y+/-2).
Example: if the starting element is 1 with the given positions (1,2), then next element 2 can be placed at
any one of the positions marked with *.
_ _ _ _ _
1 _ _ _ *
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ * _ _
* _ _ _ _
Function to be implemented is fun(int start, int end) where start and end will give the start and end coordinate of first element i.e.
Ques.5 :- suppose u r given a 4*3 rectangle like (take these values from user)
Now u have to calculate the no. of squares in this rectangle like:
No. of squares of dimension 1 is 12
No. of squares of dimension 2 is 6
No. of squares of dimension 3 is 2
No. of squares of dimension 4 is 0
Total no. of squares are 20.
b) Suppose you are given a string. you have to find the occurance of the characters A-Z in that string.Each character must appear in the string and must appear only once. If It that occurs in string more than one time return 1 showing it is a perfect string otherwise return 0 showing it is not a perfect string.
c) Suppose you arr given 10000 marks. you have to pick up top 20 top marks from them and display it on the screen.(Use the optimal sorting algorithm)
d) Suppose you have a chess board. you have to insert 8 queens on the chessboard in the style that the queens don’t intersect in the diagonals, columns and rows. If they intersect return 1 else return 0.(that is no more than one queen should be present either in row or column or diagonals.)
If the queen is inserted at a position in the chessboard, its count is 1.
Then the next round was technical interview. The interviewer was very cool and friendly. He just asked some general questions and then u have to justify the code that u have written in the test line by line. If he is satisfied from ur code then HR interview is only a formality.
Ques.1 :- A Class Structure was given with function names only.
Using one dimensional array make the fuctionality of two dimensional array?
We have to write the function body and the main program which calls them.
the function attributes and return type was given.
some already defined variables were also there.
Ques.2 :- If employee B is the boss of A and C is the boss of B and D is the boss of C and E is the boss of D. Then write a program using the Database such that if an employee name is Asked to Display it also display his bosses with his name.
For eg. If C is displayed it should also display D and E with C?
Ques.3 :- Arrange Doubly linked list in the ascending order of its integral value and replace integer 5 with 7?
Ques.4 :- Three tables were given and we had to link them.
Ques.5 :- You have given a string containing a binary number and you have to calculate the decimal number from it.
Ques.6 :- It was the password validation question mentioned above.
Ques.7 :- You have given two list of names containing name first list is very large and second one is very small, Now you have to conclude whether names appers in the second list are in same order as in the frist or not.
Example :
First: Ram, Mohan, Babu, Shyam, Komal, Rani, Sita
Second: Mohan, Komal, Sita.
Ans : yes.
Questions Asked on 31 May 2008:
Ques.1 :- Subset sum problem.