Suppose you have to pass the multiple file paths to different forms and they are in different solutions or different forms :-
Step.1 :-
Make a class which will contain all the file path like this :-
public class FileOpenEventArgs : EventArgs
#region Private Fields
private string [] _filePath;
#region properties
/// Sets/Gets the path of files.
public string [] FilePath
return _filePath;
_filePath = value;
step.2 :- Now come to form from you have to pass the information
Declare a delegate and event like :-
public delegate void FileOpenHandler(object sender, FileOpenEventArgs e);
public event FileOpenHandler FileOpen;
step.3 :- Now do the operation suppose you have to send the file name on drag-drop or on a mouse click or on mouse hover any event then create the object of the class and set the file names and then pass like in this way :-
I have used on drag-drop so get the file names in this way :-
string[] files = (string[])drgevent.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
or you can do other way to get the file names.
Create the object and set the file names.
FileOpenEventArgs fileOpen = new FileOpenEventArgs();
fileOpen.FilePath = files;
OnFilesOpen(this, fileOpen);
Handles FileOpen event.
protected void OnFilesOpen(object sender, FileOpenEventArgs e)
if (FileOpen != null)
FileOpen(this, e);
Step.4 :- Now handle your event on the form where you can create the object of this form or you can handle the event here too but I handled the event on onother solution like :-
private solution.explorer lightView;
then again create delegate and event like:-
public delegate void FileOpenHandler(object sender, FileDataOpenEventArgs e);
public event FileOpenHandler FileOpen;
Now handles the event :-
lightView.FileOpen += new solution.explorer.FileOpenHandler(lightView_FileOpen);
void lightView_FileOpen(object sender, FileOpenEventArgs e)
string [] fileData = e.FilePath;
FileDataOpenEventArgs fileDataOpenEventArgs = new FileDataOpenEventArgs(fileData);
Handle protected method :-
protected void OnFilesOpen(FileDataOpenEventArgs e)
if (FileOpen != null)
FileOpen(this, e);
now create the event where you have to open or do something for files :-
create the instance of above class where you handle your event.
private lightView_lightViewPanel = new lightView();
_lightViewPanel.FileOpen += new lightView.FileOpenHandler(_lightViewPanel_FileOpen);
private void _lightViewPanel_FileOpen(object sender, FileDataOpenEventArgs e)
if (e != null)
now play with your path accesss e.FilePath property of this event you will get path.
Happy to code.
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